General Information and News
11 january 2015
I no longer maintain this website on a regular basis as other interests are now taking my time.
I keep it online though, as it contains still useful information.
The correct link to this website is:
3 October 2012
Please note that a slight change in the URL of this website (and hence of all of its subpages) took place: replaced (spot the difference!)
Please adjust your links to my pages!
6 April 2008
![klein paukje](../Timpani/timpanipictures/kleinpaukje.jpg)
The Timpani Picture album contains some interesting new timpani pictures from the collection of timpanist Luuk Nagtegaal.
21 May 2007
Images of a Zyklus
![colorerd zyklus](../SLWgif/colorzyklusleiden.jpg)
I created a special video presentation to be projected
with a live performance of Stockhausen's Zyklus for solo percussion.
The result can be seen here.
21 April 2007
Do you want to know how to stay healthy and keep on drumming at the same time? Check this!
7 April 2007.
Added some pictures of Baroque Timpani to the Timpani Picture Album.
21 March 2007.
Made sure that the site passed the W3C validation.
See buttons at 7 March.
17 March 2007.
The page with percussion compositions has been updated.
Some photo's have been added.
7 March 2007.
One more thing:
This website has been built according to CSS and XHTML standards and is best viewed on browsers that support those standards. Internet Explorer (any version below version 7) on Windows/Mac does NOT belong to that group. If you don't see this layout when you view the site with your browser, it's time for a change to Firefox, Opera or Safari.
1 March 2007.
My Percussion Information Website was launched in 1994 and was even reviewed by Modern Drummer in 1995.
At that time there were probably 10 websites related to percussion - mostly drums - and web design was very remote from the current state of affairs!
Over the years some redesign was done, but it stayed pretty much the same the last 10 years. It was time for a change. This is how it was.
I used Rapid Weaver to design a modern CSS-based website that is much more accessible and easier to navigate. The templates used are from Rapid Ideas. But because it was too limited for me to maintain I used BBEdit from Barebones to tweak and adjust the code that I had and turned it into what you are using and seeing now. And of course all that was done on a PowerMac G4 Dual Processor from Apple.
Some stuff was too outdated to keep, some stuff was not longer relevant and some stuff didn't fit my site. I removed it all.
I also restructured the inner workings of the website, meaning that - if you had links to one of my subpages - you most likely have dead links right now in your website! I'm sorry for that, but it was really necessary to do, the number of files and folders had grown beyond control.
The only thing that I kept the same was the starting address:
and I added this one:
Probably you'll encounter anomalies or strange behaviour with this new site or you miss things that you visited in the past. Please let me know your comment.
I hope you like the new site!